
How to highlight soft skills in a job interview

Soft skills can be the deciding factor between another candidate and you getting a job. 

No recruiting manager is ever going to directly ask you about soft skills in an interview, so it’s completely up to you to showcase them. 

The mystery is to talk about your soft skills as part of how you answer the interview questions. 

It’s a matter of demonstrating your answers with a ‘how’ statement, rather than just talking about a result.

Below are seven of the most in-need soft skills, and ways that you can determine each one.

Dedication and Perseverance :

Dedication and perseverance represent your work ethic, and both of these skills are invaluable to organization. 

These are skills that are more essential rather than taught, which is why they’re noticed so highly. 

Highlight your dedication and perseverance when talking about your job responsibilities and accomplishments, and answering the ‘why do you want to work here?’ question. 

You can also demonstrate your perseverance when talking about problem solving, as these skills go hand in hand. 

Problem Solving

Problem solving skills are easily determined throughout the entire interview. 

One standout place where you can spotlight your problem solving capacities is when you’re asked to characterize a past achievement. 

Rather than just saying what you did, illustrate how you did it. Outline the steps you took to reach the final result. 

You can talk about how you overcame difficulties along the way to success or how you found a solution by communicating challenges as they came up. 

Collaboration and Teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork are crucial parts of any job, regardless of the positions you’re recruiting for. 

To showcase your collaboration and teamwork skills, avoid making too many ‘I’ statements and replace them with ‘we’. 

When you’re talking about your achievements, be sure to mention how you cofunctioning with your co-workers or played a role as part of a team.


Being able to adapt to contrasting situations is a key skill in the workplace, which makes adaptability one of the most generally used soft skills. 

There will always be times that you want to step outside your common responsibilities. 

This can range from pitching in on a project to taking over if a co worker quits suddenly. 

One authentic place to showcase your adaptability is when you’re talking about your past job responsibilities.  

You can characterize a time that you went above and beyond your daily work or how you stepped into help when you observed someone needing help. 


Creativity is finding a classic solution to a problem. 

It’s addressing something from a variety of angles. 

It’s diversity and innovation in thinking. 

It’s a part of so many aspects of work, from solving a problem to leadership, communication, and so much more. 

Creativity can be a bit more demanding to showcase, especially when you’re in an administrative or technical role, but it’s not as challenging as you might think.

Time Management

Time management is a demanding skill for every worker to have, regardless of title or job. 

To demonstrate your time management skills, talk about how you were able to stay on track with a time limit or how you established an agenda to keep a project on track. 

Never say absolutely that you’re good  at time management, prove it instead.


This is the simplest skill of all  to showcase – your role in an interview is to assure the recruiter to recruit you! Showcase your persuasion skills by clearly elaborating and stating your answers. 

Use persuasion along with your communication skills to demonstrate why you’re the perfect candidate for the job. 

All of these skills are absolutely related to each other, so you should find yourself characterizing them multiple times throughout your interview, and not always entirely. 

Remember to define your answers with a ‘how’ statement, which allows you to speak about things in more detail.

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